Ancient Nazi cattle species re-introduced to Britain

The title of the this post is accurate. The auroch or something very close to the auroch is now roaming fields and woodlands somewhere in Britain after having gone locally extinct sometime during the Iron Age (circa 800 BCE) thanks in part to the efforts of Luftwaffe leader Herman Goering.

It seems that apart from being a thieving, drug addled war-mongering Hitler wannabe, Goering was in every other respect a typical Nazi party big shot in that he pined for the days when the mythical Aryan people lived as hunter gathers in the primeval forests of the Fatherland. So he set up a back breeding program to recreate some of the real animals that the imaginary Volk had hunted to extinction (Or did the Nazis blame some other group for the demise of native species? I’ll have to check on this.)

Ancient cattle species re-introduced to Britain – Science-