Get Ready to be Indignant

Not pissed off enough over how big business has taken over the means of production and distribution of food? Would you like (or do you need) the validation of your belief that the people who have taken charge of feeding the world are more interested in undermining your enslavement than they are in your nutrification?

Then you may want to whet your disaffection and anger with this trailer for the movie Food Inc.

Another tempest in a teapot

Embedded video from CNN Video

Egyptian Pig Slaughter

I’m putting a hyperlink to this unbelievably horrible video of the hog cull in Egypt instead of posting the video because it is just too disturbing to include in this blog. If there is anyone out there who can explain to me how what the Egyptian government is doing makes any sense at all, I’d like to hear about it.

Stuff like this renders almost trite all complaints about the way that animals are treated in American slaughterhouses as it magnifies the fact that there is no animal in this world that has the potential to be as wantonly and efficiently destructive of life as we humans.

Oh Really?

“Last week, protesters from PETA showed up at a Hempstead [Long Island, New York]elementary school, unannounced and uninvited, to try to convince youngsters leaving at day’s end that circuses mistreat their animals. The protesters handed out coloring books with stickers that read, ‘Circuses are no fun for animals.'”


Junk Journalism

Cheese — it’s grosser than you thought – LiveScience

Click the hyperlink and you will be led to a piece of writing that, if it does not make your blood boil, will certainly cause you to question the intellectual credentials of the author or, in all fairness, her editors. At first blush it appears to be an “ew gross” treatment of the subject of “how cheese is made” that is aimed at kids and none-too-worldly-adult adults. Consider the opening sentence

“Cheese makes some foodies jump up and down like little kids, but behind that heavenly taste and texture lie bacteria, mammal stomach lining, pesticides and pure fat.”

Okay, none of us want to ingest pesticides (more likely fungicides if you read the article carefully) but why should anyone be worried about bacteria and “mammal stomach lining” (rennet) and pure fat? Whoever wrote this is either a covert vegan or an over eager wannabe writer who is unwittingly playing into the hands of the same people who want to stop people from using animals for anything other than visual distraction and who refer to milk as “pus” and “the excretion of bovine mammary glands” in order to gross out potential recruits.

Junk Journalism

Cheese — it’s grosser than you thought – LiveScience

Click the hyperlink and you will be led to a piece of writing that, if it does not make your blood boil, will certainly cause you to question the intellectual credentials of the author or, in all fairness, her editors. At first blush it appears to be an “ew gross” treatment of the subject of “how cheese is made” that is aimed at kids and none-too-worldly-adult adults. Consider the opening sentence

“Cheese makes some foodies jump up and down like little kids, but behind that heavenly taste and texture lie bacteria, mammal stomach lining, pesticides and pure fat.”

Okay, none of us want to ingest pesticides (more likely fungicides if you read the article carefully) but why should anyone be worried about bacteria and “mammal stomach lining” (rennet) and pure fat? Whoever wrote this is either a covert vegan or an over eager wannabe writer who is unwittingly playing into the hands of the same people who want to stop people from using animals for anything other than visual distraction and who refer to milk as “pus” and “the excretion of bovine mammary glands” in order to gross out potential recruits.

Jamie Oliver, Chick Killer

Former boy-toy chef Jamie Oliver is walking a righteous path these days (Hey, everybody has to grow up sometime.) by teaching his TV audience about how food is produced at every node in the process. Watch, as he demonstrates to a group of clueless swells how the egg industry manages to maintain an almost exclusively female population of chickens .

Jamie Oliver, Chick Killer

Former boy-toy chef Jamie Oliver is walking a righteous path these days (Hey, everybody has to grow up sometime.) by teaching his TV audience about how food is produced at every node in the process. Watch, as he demonstrates to a group of clueless swells how the egg industry manages to maintain an almost exclusively female population of chickens .

Dirty Dog will Make You Sick: Dog Farmers Upset

In response to several cases of staph and salmonella infections that were thought to have been contracted when some humans ate dog meat, health officials in Seoul, South Korea want to have dogs reclassified as “livestock” so their husbandry and processing into meat -which is actually banned in S. Korea- can be regulated.

This has apparently ticked off both dog-as-pet lovers who don’t want to see dog eating legitimized and dog farmers who think that having to conform to the health regulations will raise their costs.

I’m not kidding, I read it in The Wall Street Journal.

Dirty Dog will Make You Sick: Dog Farmers Upset

In response to several cases of staph and salmonella infections that were thought to have been contracted when some humans ate dog meat, health officials in Seoul, South Korea want to have dogs reclassified as “livestock” so their husbandry and processing into meat -which is actually banned in S. Korea- can be regulated.

This has apparently ticked off both dog-as-pet lovers who don’t want to see dog eating legitimized and dog farmers who think that having to conform to the health regulations will raise their costs.

I’m not kidding, I read it in The Wall Street Journal.